Friday, September 10, 2010

Be careful what you wish for...


I'm in a hurry this morning. No time to blog. No time at all. But I want to blog because I told Mr. Blissful I would and also I wanted to tell you about my new glasses. So while I'm waiting for my eggs to cook (breakfast is the most important meal of the day. even if you're busy) I'll do just that.

Okay, first of all I lied. These are not my new glasses they are Paige's new glasses. I don't wear glasses, but I covet these.

When Paige put them on her cute face I said "Oh my gosh those are so flippin' cute. I want some." (or something to that affect). So Paige let me put them on my not quite as cute face and when we showed Mr. Blissful a wide grin spread across his saxy face and a gleam shone in his eye to boot (I think he was picturing me as a saxy secretary, that's what the look on his face would suggest, but I can't say for sure :} ).

Anyway "nerd" glasses (that's the modern lingo for them. you know the word on the street. yeah I'm up on these things) are the stuff right now did you know that(I did because I'm really cool and up on these things you know)? And I WANT SOME.

So I was fixin' to order me some fake ones when I remembered...
Hey I'm 41 years old. Chances are I just might need glasses FOR REAL.

Looks like an eye appointment is in order toot sweet. :)


VandyJ said...

Those are some cute glasses. Hoping you need(?) some and have a reason to wear them, if not the pretenda kind work too.

4boyzmdmom said...

You look cute in them, but you would not be coveting glasses if your eyes had gone bad at age 12 like mine did! Having to wear glasses all through junior high and part of high school scarred me for life, I think (nerd glasses were NOT in back then!) Thank goodness for contact lenses; I've had them since I was 15 and love them! Except now I need reading glasses...arghhh!!!

Marcie Ashton said...

I wanted glasses so badly when I was in high school. I thought they were just so cute. I even bought a fake pair and wore them for a while. They just add an element of intellectual mystery!

The Cranes said...

You people that don't need glasses and want them! Honestly! You can have my blind since age 12 eyes--I'll trade you!! Like my sis said, had to wear them in jr. high and high school when they were NOT cool and cute. Still hate glasses--contacts don't work in my eyes well anymore--and now that I'm in my 40's, I not only need them to see far away, I need them to see things close-up too. Bah humbug! :)

Rachel said...

Kyle wears the nerd glasses all the time....fake ones...they are all the rage and I must say I kind of like them too!

Paula said...

I love your blog!

Have a nice time!