Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A few things...

1) On MLK Day we did some community service and it was fabulous. We cleaned up garbage around the town lake and the kids loved it. Convincing themselves that everything had been left there by "hobos" turned the day into a magical game for them (and a very funny adventure for us adults). "Hey look I found a hobo candy wrapper, a hobo water bottle, a hobo shirt, a hobo baby shoe, a hobo bed, a hobo this that and the other..." they'd say. Too cute. But the funniest was when they all ran toward us with glee spread across their faces and announced, "We saw a hobo! A real live hobo!"

"Um, that would be another person picking up garbage." We told them, which led to a deflated, "Oh." sounded in unison before they took off in search of another real, real live hobo and or other hobo paraphernalia once again.

It was a great day, a great experience, and it taught me how easy and rewarding family service projects can be. We'll definitely be doing more in the future.

2) P90x is going very well. It's hard but I love it. I took my before pictures and my plan was to post pictures of my results in three months but I'm torn because...

3) I'm seriously considering calling it quits on blogging. I'm thinking of making my blog private. As in private, private. As in nobody reads it but me private. I'm torn, very torn, but that's kind of the direction I'm heading right now. It's not because of privacy or safety issues it just that... well if I decided to go private I'll write a post to explain why before I do okay. But one small reason is this...

My sister used to need my blog and count on it everyday and my mom was on a mission far away so I felt happy to share stories about my life with them, but now I don't know that I'm really needed in this way anymore. I don't know if it benefits anyone for me to publicly post my comings and goings and thoughts on this or that anymore. If it did I would continue, I would. Making people happy (even at my own expense) makes me happy, but if I'm not needed in that way anymore I'd be just as happy to go private and not embarrass myself with all of the stories of my comings and goings and thoughts on this or that. But like I said I'm torn so time will tell.


Marcie Ashton said...

I'm one of those people who would be very sad if you stopped blogging. I know that we don't really "know" each other, but I love your insight and humor and wonderful writing.

That being said, I do understand the desire to be private. I sometimes wonder if my needs would be better served if I was just writing for myself. I can't decide.

So, selfishly, I vote for keep 'em coming. You are certainly an inspiration to me. (Or maybe you could just send me personal nuggets of wisdom once a week)(ha). Good luck with your decision.

Heidi J said...

I 100% agree with Marcy. Every word. I love your blog! But I would understand.

TheShumWAYS said...

I wouldn't understand... because well we live a state away now and this is the only way I feel like I still keep in tuoch with you. SO if you go private you'd have to still invite ME! It's a need:)

4boyzmdmom said...

I understand your need to go private, also, but I have to say I've really enjoyed getting to know you all over again. We were out of touch all those years, and I've loved feeling like I'm "in touch" again! But whatever you decide to do, I'll understand!

Lori Ashton said...

I know how you feel. I want to journal a little deeper with details more than I do, because blogging is the only "journaling" that I do.

But I do want you to know that because of you, I have changed many things about my life. I try to be more positive because of things you have said. I try to look deeper inside myself because of things you have written.

I am one of your biggest fans, I read every time you have an update. I think that is what we as women should do, help lift each other and you certainly do that.

I vote to continue your blogging!!

Lene said...

amen...well except I don't live a state away.

I would really miss you and your blog.

Tara McClendon said...

I wish I had words of wisdom to impart. If you're thinking about it, maybe it's time for a change. (Not that I'm voting, I do like your blog.) You might find you miss the comments and the blogging community. Then again, you might find it a bresh of fresh air. Good luck with your decision.

Vandee said...

I too enjoy your blog... maybe you could make a second blog for your deeper private musings, but Jeanette I really enjoy your blog and catching up with a friend who I don't get to see very much. (And yes I know we live in the same town but still I only see you a few times a month).

Miss Risa's House said...

Hey you torn woman! If you are speaking of me as the sister who needs and loves your blog! Then she still needs and loves your blog! I get mad when I check for my uplifting readings and there is nothing there to read. It puts a damper on my day!So if thats what you want to do then go ahead and make it private.I'll just be in a damper all the time, no pressure! : )

Anonymous said...

Dear Daughter...your mom may be home from her mission, but she's still three hours away. When we do get to talk it's not about the deep thoughts and words of wisdom you share on your blog. AND you don't always remember to tell me the things going on with the kids and family. I do understand. I've kind of gotten out of the letter writing since coming home, but believe me, I do enjoy checking up on all of you on your blog. You'll have to call me a lot more often if you stop. Love you! Mom

Claudya Martinez said...

You are not embarrassing yourself by sharing your stories.

Jessica B Photography said...

Boo. You are totally needed on the blogoshpere.

Glad you've chosen to stay (at least for the time being)

Ditto to what everyone else said :)

MaryRC said...

"OH helllll NO!" you bettah not! Love you!
your sassy poopy mouth friend needs you for your good example and spiritual boost. you've always been that for me. you were a big big part of my conversion, HUGE HUGE part. I joined the church because of your example, and not just spiritual, the whole you. I joined blogging because of you.. So if you quit, I quit too.. no pressure or anything.