Friday, January 29, 2010

Chipmunks and yogurt and deadlines, Oh My...

If I had time I'd tell you that Landon got his wisdom teeth out on Wednesday. And that they were the biggest wisdom teeth the doctor had ever seen (seriously huge). And that he got them out with only a local which caused him "blinding pain" because he's tough like that. And that he's now a chipmunk who's living on a diet of yogurt and smoothies. If I had time I'd tell you all of that and more, but I don't have time.

I've given myself a deadline and now I spend every waking moment (when I'm not doing mom stuff) writing, writing and writing. Yesterday every waking moment meant until 3 in the morning because that's how long I was awake. And now I feel like a train has run over my head but I don't care because writing energizes me, which is a good thing because I'll probably have many more late nights trying to reach my goal.
Lets hear it for deadlines


Unknown said...

Good job writing when you have some down time i found a blog that you may like really cute ideas

Marcie Ashton said...

I'm impressed! I need a little of your energy.

Shellie said...

I've given up my 3 am stints for a while, it was killing me. Good to you, though! Happy writing, I'll be excited to read it!

MaryRC said...

well we could be up talking half the night, youre writing and im web designing. a site that has been looming over me like a doom cloud is almost finished, one more night... if i can keep my eyes open.