Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I made it...

My dad worked with paint. A sign man by trade, an artist by gift. So when he showed up to work wearing brown dress pants and a crisp white shirt I was confused, “Why are you all dressed up?” I asked.

A doctor’s appointment, and a diagnosis. He had dressed up for Leukemia and less than eight months later, at the age of 48 he was gone. Because of this, I treat every year that I’m given as a gift. My birthdays are presents in and of themselves, they bring me joy.

And today is no exception, my most exciting year yet, FORTY. I can’t believe it’s finally here and I can’t begin to explain the exhilaration I feel from reaching this milestone.

Forty is the opening line to the second chapter of my life. I loved my first chapter, but I don’t mourn its loss. I remember it with fondness and reflect on its lessons, but I was never meant to stay there. If I waste one moment crying about no longer being “young” I’ll miss the incredible road that lies ahead. Today, just as it has every year since my birth, marks the first day of the rest of my life. The first day of my fortieth year and you can bet it’s going to be…


Marcie Ashton said...

Happy Happy Birthday. I hope it is wonderful-and every day after that.

TheShumWAYS said...

Happy Birthday to you! Wish we could of seen you guys one more time before we are a state away!
Anyways hope you have a very merry birthday:)

Herbsgirl said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANETTE DEAR!! Hope you have a fabulous year.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you goals came true Are you ripped.

Housewife Savant said...

Happy birthday! I love your attitude.

Darce said...

Happy! Happy! Birthday Jeanette! Once again, a great post! Well said! BTW--you are fabulous! Make it a great year!!

Bahama Shores Mama said...

happy birthday.....I hit 40 in January! Here's to many, many more!

Miss Risa's House said...

Happy Birthday! My very awesome sister! love you!

Heidi J said...

Happy Birthday! You look fabulous!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday! Wish I were up there and I would drive you over to El Camino or Booga Reds for lunch! Hope you had a great one. You can always drive down here and I can take you out somewhere here!

Erika said...

Hope you have had a fantastic day. You are amazing! Truly fabulous. Happy Birthday!

Lene said...

Happy 40th!
Great post and awesome attitude to have.

Molly said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your forties are truly fabulous!

4boyzmdmom said...

I thought about you yesterday, when I was in the car all day!!! I'm thrilled you made it to forty and wish you (at least) forty more!

Jessica B Photography said...

I'm glad you love it so. I don't know if I've said this to you before, but I like my friends that are my age and in similar life stages as me, but I really really enjoy my friends that are older and have older kids than me - because these friends seem so much smarter than me and have experienced things already andjust seem like fountains of wisdom! (and I don't have to enduring the comparing of babies/toddlers and discuss how to properly feed/potty train someone) I love you. Thank you for your wonderful example. Happy Forty!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I canNOT believe you're forty. I've just been reading through posts and looking at pictures and in NO way would I have guessed you were 40. You look fantastic. Happy birthday!