Monday, August 10, 2009

Here we go again...

Today it was back to school for the Sisters Four. The results are still coming in as to how the day went but so far the verdicts have ranged from,
"School was awesome! I'm so glad to be back!" To "Oh my gosh! Can you P-lease home school me?!"

So fun and only nine more months of this to go. Yippy!

And for the record, the world would have to be in an apocalyptic state or something close to it before I would ever home school. I'm just saying.


Kat said...

Oh yeah. I hear ya. I could never home school.
Great pic!

Unknown said...

How many years till waylynn (sp?) goes to school? Then whatever you want all day long. Totally agree on home school

Housewife Savant said...

Threats of lunch at home squash all mention of homeschooling.

On the other hand, they think we eat great when they're gone.

Go figure.

Lene said...

Yeah I am going to pass on the whole homeschool thing.

Heidi J said...

already back to school! wow it's early there.I thought at one point of home schooling but I get so much pleasure of being away from D for only 2 hours 2 days a week, I can't wait for it to be all week!

Shellie said...

Ugh, that's us next week.

4boyzmdmom said...

We only have 2 weeks left, and I'm dreading it already!!!

Jessica B Photography said...

I can't believe you started school already! It must be those snow days...