Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maybe if he had called first...

Mama's Losin' It

What summer means to your family


Summer for our family usually means visitors. Friends, family, fun. We love visitors.

Well... most of the time.


This summer visitor, found hanging out by our doorbell yesterday, wasn't exactly welcomed with opened arms. I'm afraid we quite rudely shrieked in horror when we walked out the door and found him (her (?)) there.

Guess we need to work on our hospitality skills.


Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Holy SNAKE! Yep, you'll definitely never ever forget that summer memory... yikes!

Marcie Ashton said...

Ugh! I try to be tough, but snakes kind of turn my stomach. I would have shrieked too!

VandyJ said...

At least he tried the bell first. He wasn't rude enough to let himself in. Still I don't think
I'd want that visitor either. My son would though.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I would die if that was outside my front door!! Ha! Visiting you from Mama Kats!

Rachel said...

That is just wrong! Thank goodness it wasn't a rattler or something like that! Still the thought makes me gross completely out!

Unknown said...

I hate snakes worse then any bug or creature ever. My mom always seems to have some garden snake at her house

paige said...

OH MY!!! What else was there to do but shriek? Oh dear, oh dear!

iheartmesa said...

Yikes! That picture is great though, it looks like he is trying to ring the doorbell. ~Marily

MaryRC said...

blah!!! eew eew eew!