Monday, April 13, 2009

Then I saw the popcorn bowl...

My new book arrived just before Easter. It is a book not only meant to teach me how to live a healthy lifestyle, but an ULTRA healthy life style, a live to 100 lifestyle.
I found the scientific research fascinating, but the diet, well it left a lot to be desired and seemed a very hard thing to stick to.
I mean the very day I decided to give it a try I got invited to the Dog House, and you know I had to have a spicy polish with mustard, onions, sport peppers, jalapenos, and celery salt--I just had to.
The next day it was the baptism of a friend's child followed by a shin-dig with food. I couldn't be rude, I had to eat the hoagies, chips and cake, I just had to.
Then came Easter, yes Easter, and of course this meant a big Easter feast. Not to mention the fact that for some reason that dang Easter bunny always brings MY favorite candy. Why does he do that?
I especially love the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. LOVE them. I really wanted to eat several dozen of them today, but after my grueling workout I was able, with much force, to stay away from them. It was a proud moment as I discovered that I was the master of my cravings, I would not give in.
But then I saw the POPCORN BOWL, the popcorn bowl that my siblings will recognize as an exact replica of the bowl that brought us childhood treats. I spied it then glanced over at the popcorn kettle that I keep temptingly atop my stove at all times, and said, "Forget it, who wants to live to be 100 anyway?"
So I made some popcorn, complete with butter flavored oil and extra salt, and I ate it all up.
Yes I did.


4boyzmdmom said...

Hee, hee...who does want to live to be 100?! I'll take 85, along with eating yummy treats when I want!

The Cranes said...

You could live to 100, but it would be 100 miserable, unenjoyable years. So what's the point? The Easter bunny always brings my favorite candy, too! I don't know why either. That is quite an elegant-looking popcorn bowl.

Missy said...

woo-hoo! i love it! denying ourselves the things we love isn't really living!! :o) way to go.

MaryRC said...

follow your heart, if your heart tells you its okay, the go for it. just be sure to train your heart to say yes to all the good things in life.

Anonymous said...

The Easter bunny brought my favorite candy and I don't even have kids around...hmmmmm. Where did you find that popcorn bowl? What memories.This mission has not helped my waistline...if I keep it up I won't be able to use weight as an excuse for not give blood. Love ya, Mom