Friday "Eat, Drink, And Be Scary": Today Laura from Better In Bulk wants to see want we are making in the kitchen. Show your devilish desserts, give us the scoop on pumpkins, or share your favorite holiday drink. If cooking isn't your cup of tea, then tell us what you are doing with your leftover Halloween candy. Do you enjoy immediately, save for later, or just bribe your kids with it when needed?
(this is another Flip camera post so link up and try to win one too)
Normally I would be cooking up something Scary in the kitchen, but with my silly foot I won't even be making Halloween decoration soup this year, because I didn't decorate (I always make a yummy squash soup out of my pumpkin and gourd decorations. Waste not want not you know).
So I'll have to refer to the good old standby question: WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LEFTOVER HALLOWEEN CANDY?
When I was a kid, candy wasn't as readily available to us as it is to my kids today. Candy was a treat, something to look forward to so we ate it very slowly even keeping our Halloween bags in the freezer so it would stay fresher longer.
Now that I'm older, I don't like candy all that much unless you're talking chocolate. I likes me some chocolate. So if we do have leftover candy I usually will confiscate all of the chocolate for myself then leave the bowl out on the kitchen counter until it's all picked through and gone, often throwing away the few bits left at the bottom of the bowl that nobody likes (I don't mind wasting candy because it is not real food you know).
So there you have it. And because I feel bad for not cooking up anything scary this Halloween I will leave you with a little something SCARY that Marlee cooked up in the kitchen this morning (she really did work on this in the kitchen).

We are so related, I hoard chocolate too. It's a food group at my house. And the face makeup? AWESOME!!!!
The make-up that your daughter accomplished today is nothing short of artwork. Seriously! I can barely put on eye-liner most days. She has a talent.
I am sure she also wow'ed the heck out of her friends. What fun!
Wow, Marlee is an artist! Impressive :)
Very impressive make up...Could she do my kids tomorrow night?
This year, I am going to let the kids eat everyhting they want Saturday night, and steal the chocolate and toss the rest out when they go to bed. I don't need the temptation and they don't need the artificial coloring (notice, i didn't say anything about sugar?)
I love chocolate, but I also love chewy things! I admit I purposely buy too much candy every year so there will be leftovers, and save my favorites so that they are the leftovers! I remember candy being scarce when I was a kid, too. Our kids are so spoiled!
I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins this week...yummy!
She is so talented. why didn't the artist gene come my way????
That makeup is awesome!!
That's quite a make-up job! Love it!
Chocolate is totally my thing, too. I am really looking forward to sorting through my kids' bags tomorrow!
Marlee did an amazing job on here makeup.
All the halloween candy goes into one big bowl after trick or treating. That way I don't have to keep track of whose bag I picked through for the good stuff.
That make-up is AWESOME!! I didn't buy any halloween candy! Too tempting to eat it :)
That make-up is crazy good!
i need the butter fingers to disappear and not by me. Mar is really gettting that makeup down..
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