Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Creepy creations...

Today is "Creepy Crawly Crafts" day: Link up with Mayhem And Moxie by sharing anything you've created this Halloween. Examples include, Halloween costumes, recipes, crafts, party invites, treats, decorations etc...
And if you do you just might win a Flip camera. Woo-hoo!


For my Creepy Crawly Craft I'm sharing my favorite Halloween decoration. I came up with this little lovely last year and it will now be my favorite for all time. Yes it will. I love it for its simplicity, its inexpensitivity, and its oompfinessability (I took creative license on my word choices here so don't worry if you've never heard, read or spelled them before, spell check hasn't either).

All you need are some dollar store vases (cheap) and some dead branches from your yard or the adjoining field as the case may be (free). Throw in a dollar store crow and your good to go. So easy, so cheap, so oompfinessalicious. You really should make your very own version of it today. You really should.

But if this isn't creepy enough for you maybe you'd like to copy my other Creepy Crawly Halloween Creation. I call it...

I am so done with this injury. I made the declaration that I would be off of my crutches and walking by the end of this week. That's right you heard me I'm done. But then a simple task like packing school lunches causes my foot to turn this lovely shade of purple, my toes become like little fat juicy smoked sausages, and my ankle throbs and aches, begging for elevation STAT. So it looks like I'll be stuck with the crutches longer than I'd like gosh dang it (of course longer than I'd like happened way back after day one but whatever).

To accomplish this creation all you need is a momentary lack of judgement. But be for warned this project is not easy, oh so very not cheap... but oompfinessalicious?

Hmm, maybe...

It's a great conversation starter to be sure. Yes it is.

So if you're looking for a good conversation piece, especially if you like to have the same conversation over and over and over again, go ahead...

...break yourself this Halloween. It's sure to be your most interesting project yet.


Claudya Martinez said...

The creation looks great, the foot not so much.

Jessica Jones said...

Oh No what happened to your foot??? BTW LOVE the idea! so modern! maybe when my kids are bigger and my house is in order more of the time I can decorate with cool ideas too! at my house those branches would be swords...sigh

Marcie Ashton said...

Oh your poor foot. I just hurt for you!

Stoddard Family said...

I just found those dollar store crows, LOVE them. That is such a fun idea with the branches. I just read the Outsider post, it is one of my all time favorites!! One of the greatest casts EVER!

Tracie said...

Ouch!! I hope you recover quickly!

Kat said...

Ouch! That looks seriously painful. The decorations looks great though. ;)

Heidi J said...

I tried the branches after I saw yours last year, mine were not so cute. I think I need smaller branches that don't tip my vases over every 15 seconds. Hope your foot is healing ok! BTW I made my blog private and I don't think I have your email address. Send it to me if you want to be added

Holly Lefevre said...

Love the branches. We just had a big storm and I collected branch to do that, but they are still sitting by the front door. Sorry about the foot...ouch!
Holly @ 504 Main

Jessica B Photography said...

Your poor foot! You don't look like you'd be able to dance very much if you were here for the party anyways... We'll miss you though.

I love the branches. (and the vases)

Shellie said...

The foot is scary!

4boyzmdmom said...

Oooh...ouch! I feel for you, sweetie. Having an excuse to lie around doing nothing sounds great until you really have an excuse (and no choice) and then it's not so great after all! I'm afraid those branches would be swords at my house, too, but it sure it a cute idea. I love the Day of the Dead ideas, too!

MaryRC said...

OUCH!! okay that is a super spooky foot.