Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome to Nice Town, USA...

Say what you will about a small town... and I have said what I will and not always nice because apparently I'm a big baby who doesn't do well with change... but no matter what's said one thing that can't be denied is that small towns are full of NICE PEOPLE.

In contrast, while visiting my brother's family in Denver (a large city that I loved for its largeness) this summer, he told of how his neighbors had called the police on them because they had let their lawn grow too long while away on vacation. His NEIGHBORS CALLED THE POLICE FOR TALL GRASS are you kidding me. While telling this story my brother mentioned that when they lived here in this small town, instead of calling the police, their neighbors would mow the lawn for them if they were away or too busy to get to it. I agreed that the people here are great, a statement that was proven true when we returned from our vacation to find that our lawn had been mowed for us. NICE!

And now this very morning our neighbor showed up to install our NEW DISHWASHER for us (hooray for the new dishwasher). He just showed up, did all of the work and didn't ask for a thing in return. How nice is that?! Very nice I'd say.

So say what you will about a small town,
I think I'll say it's a pretty darn nice place to live...
at least until I need something from a real store at which time I will most likely start boobing again.


Bren's Life said...

I think my neighbors here are pretty nice too... I just don't know if I could handle a small mormon town where everyone knows every little thing about you & not having stores to go too!!!!
I went to Dillards 70% off sale last week & got 6 pairs of shoes for kids & 1 for me for $100.00. Yes - 6 pairs of nikes & other name brand shoes... I must say Troy wasn't happy that I spent $$ that we don't have. But I can't pass up a good sale!
Glad you have Great neighbors so willing to help...

4boyzmdmom said...

The new dishwasher looks great! We have nice neighbors, too. And good friends--one of them just gave us a refrigerator!

MaryRC said...

nothing like great neighbors, really, its the best. i always think i should reach out more to my neighbors, then i don't do it. okay you've inspired me, I'm gonna do it!!

Jessica B Photography said...

Yay for the new dishwasher!!! There's nothing quite like the hum of dishes getting clean while you sit on the couch...

I love my neighbors as well, however I probably should reach out to them more too (like Mary). It's too hot here to reach out to people in the summer though. My neighborlyness is confine to Oct- May.

I like living in a small town. Growing up in Vegas, I think I appreciate more than I ever thought I would as a youth. I like visiting big cities, but I like living in my small town. Of course, mine is close enough to go shopping whenever I want. You might want to give ordering stuff online a try. :)

Marcie Ashton said...

There are some downsides to living in a small town...I can not deny it.

On the other hand, I love knowing that my kids are watched, my house is safe (generally) and if something goes wrong, I don't even have to call for help. (Mostly because every nosy person here would follow the ambulance to my house...) Just kiddin', I love my small town.

Tara McClendon said...

I grew up in podunkville--the closet fast food restaurant was 30 minutes away. It had some advantages, but I love my suburb--even if that means my neighbors do call animal control any time my dog barks.

Lene said...

I love living in a small town at the edge of a very big city. My neighbors tend to look out for each other.

Claudya Martinez said...

I don't even have a lawn.

Why would anyone bother the police about a lawn? Ridiculous.

~~Mel~~ said...

This post goes well with a post I did a few weeks ago "small town vs. big city"...

I'm in the midst of trying to decide where I want to set roots...very tough decision!

Shellie said...

That sounds awesome.