I've had many interesting dreams in my life--strange, scary, magical, exciting, thrilling, even steamy. Then there are dreams that have actually taught me something or allowed me to talk to my loved ones who are not here anymore, those are my favorite. I love to analyze dreams. It's fun to try to figure out what they all mean, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why I had a dream about these shoes. A dream about shoes--not so hard to figure out, I love shoes, but why did I dream about these particular shoes?
It happened Friday night as I slept at my mom's house in "the valley". I dreamt that I went to DSW shoes (the greatest shoe store ever, I'm salivating just thinking about it) and walked back to the clearance section (DSW has the best clearance section--the only thing better than shoes are shoes on sale). I looked through all of the shoes then found a cute pair of white shoes with black trim, almost identical to the shoes pictured above. I bought them and we lived happily ever after.
Saturday morning I woke up early to go to yard sales, heaven, and didn't give my dream another thought. Until...
We were out shopping and Rick said, "Do you want to go to DSW?"
"I really shouldn't." was my reply, but from the backseat my clone Paige was saying, "Yes, yes, yes. We want to go to DSW!"
So I said, "Well maybe I could just go look around for a little bit."
Paige and I oohed and ahhed at all of the shoes on our way back to the clearance section, then the hunt began. I tried on so many cute shoes it hurt (I wanted them all). Then deja vu, the shoes from my dream. I tried to put them down, but they kept calling me back. When Rick came over from Circuit City to see if I was ever coming out, I showed him the shoes and said, "I had a dream about these last night."
He said, "That's a good one. I haven't heard that one before." I told him I was serious. I really had dreamt about them. So I bought them (they were on clearance after all) but it's too early to say if we will live happily ever after.
But I'm still trying to figure out why I dreamt about them. If I had seen white shoes with black trim before it would be understandable, but to my knowledge I have never seen shoes like these. I've never aspired to have shoes like these. So what the heck? Does it mean something? Please give me your best analysis. I'd love to know.