Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Heart's Still a Flutter...

20 years ago I fell for you. Fell hard, fast and forever.

So we decided to begin our happily ever after.

And even though you didn't know that a "Suzie Homemaker" I was NOT,

And I didn't know that sometimes you would speak in a rainbow of colors,

We did know that we shared common goals, that we served the same master,

And that every kiss sent us over the moon (and still does).

But neither one of us could have ever guessed how amazing
20 years of happily ever after could really be.

Seriously, who knew?


20 years of marital bliss, WOW!


MaryRC said...

Oh happy happy anniversary! 20 years of bliss. you two are so lucky minus the susie homemaker and plus the rainbow language.. LUCKY DUCKS..

Marcie Ashton said...

Congratulations! In this day and age, it is quite an accomplishment. Here's to many, many more years of "bliss".

4boyzmdmom said...

Congratulations...wow, 20 years!

Cedar said...

Happy 20th Anniversary! That is so cool! You guys look just as great now as you did then...minus the permed hair!!;) Hope its a great day!

Erika said...

Wow! It soesn't seem like that was 20 years ago! COngratulations.

Lene said...

Happy Anniversary!

Did you get married when you were 9?

The Cranes said...

Congratulations! Glad you have been (and still are) so happy! And it doesn't seem like 20 years ago.

KK said...

Aw, happy anniversary!

Tara McClendon said...

What fun. Congratulations, and enjoy the moment. I'll feel blessed when we hit 20 years.

Heidi J said...

Congratulations! It's great to know that people can last that long together! :)

Rachel said...

Hope your anniversary was a grand one! Who knew we were married a day apart?