Describe the best/most creative punishment you have ever given your children or received yourself.

It was my senior year, or was it my junior? No matter, the important thing is that it was the year of the best punishment I ever received and I say this because it's about the only one I remember so it must have been good.
Howard Jones was coming to the state fair, on a school night, and I and a group of friends were going. Woo-hoo! That is until I was late to my A- hour class that morning for the umpteenth time and my dad, feeling very frustrated with my endless, shameless, lateness said, "If you can't get up for class on a normal day what makes you think you will be able to get up after being at a concert all night?" And so instead of Howard Jones I got to go to bed early. Good times.
Although I will admit that this punishment fit the crime, one of those natural consequence things, and I did remember it, I did not however LEARN ANYTHING FROM IT. No I did not. For I am still late to everything. EVERYTHING I tell you.
So we are left to wonder if in fact GOING to the Howard Jones concert instead of missing it would have been the thing to cure my lateness. Perhaps I would have been so grateful to my parents for letting me go that I would have jumped up early everyday thereafter, beginning a new habit of punctuality that would have carried over to this very day.
But sadly, I DID miss Howard Jones and now we will never know just what I could have been.
No we won't.
OMG...Howard Jones!! Love his music! Ah, the 80's. I do miss them.
I too am a latebird. EVERYWHERE also!!! I understand and you know, I doubt that would have cured your lateness..lol! Nothing has worked for me. :0D I think us "late people" are just born that way and can't be fixed. lol
Visiting from Mama Kat's.
Funny. And no, you wouldn't have gotten up on time out of gratitude from that day forward. I guarantee it. We have cut some slack rather than punish a certain morning tardy teenager we know multiple times and she has been very grateful but she still doesn't get up the next day (or the next, or the next...) Reading this, I thought, "Great! Is there no hope that she will ever get up on time in the morning?!" Because the punishment route definitely hasn't worked either! :)
Hee, hee, hee! Nice justification, but I doubt going to the concert would have cured you! :)
You should hold this over your parents' heads now. They had the opportunity to cure your lateness and didn't! :-p
that is funny. A bunch of us went to that concert from SJ. In fact I believe we road home with rick....I think that was the time. I LOVE howard jones! Thanks for reminding me of good times! I needed the uplift today!
I haven't thought about Howard Jones in about a hundred years. I think if you are the kind of person who can't get up early and be on time, you just aren't. It's too hard to change.
This is just laugh out loud funny!
Hmmm, I'd venture you would not have been cured of your tardiness affliction, but you would have had fun.
Awwww...I bet you were SO sad! And how obedient of you to actually go to bed and not sneak out for the concert anyways. Such a good girl!
I'm only late to church, how wrong is that. so bad. mike makes us late to everything social, makes me crazy. right when im ready to walk out the door he decided to start cleaning something... really... think its a sign that he doesnt wanna go.. stinker.
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