Monday, July 13, 2009

Modern pioneers...

(Waylon refused to get in the picture)
Ahh, camping. What could be better? Well I’ll tell you what. How ‘bout camping in your own backyard so you can sneak out round midnight to the comforts of your very own bed. Now that’s bliss baby.

Our backyard camping trip did start out quite lovely with all of us (minus Landon who was out with friends doing what 18 year olds do) cozied up together in the tent. We told very scary stories then very funny stories (to repair the damage caused by the scary ones). We laughed, squealed, screamed… it was pure family fun. But when the dogs, neighborhood farm animals, and creatures of the night would not be quiet and my almost forty year old back started complaining that sleeping on the ground is for crazy people, I left my snoozing family and made a break for the house.

No I’m not a party pooper. I stayed for the party. It was only the pointless torture part of the festivities that I ditched out on. I dare say many of you would have done the very same thing (or at least have wanted to).


While cleaning up the next morning I had the strangest sensation that I still lived in the valley and that I could jump in my car and go shopping, to REAL stores. So I asked the sugar daddy if we could please, please, please spend the day in Flagstaff (not as many real stores as the valley but MUCH BETTER than here). He thought that was a great idea so we took the fam and made the hour and a half (well actually a little over an hour and a half but who’s counting) trek to partial civilization and had a wonderful time.

One of the highlights was going to Sam’s Club (all of you who take Sam’s Club and Costco for granted… Shame on you.) the variety, the bulk, the little tasting stations…now that’s living I tell you. We also found the perfect birthday present for Paige there, HOORAY. But the cashier forgot to put it in our cart, BOO. So Rick and I have to take another trip to go pick it up. Is that a Hooray or a Boo?

Well a Hooray of course, this is me we’re talking about. If there was no such thing as gasoline I’d take a trip to civilization, partial or not, EVERYDAY. Besides, the sugar daddy loves to buy me shoes (or any other gift, he just knows that I prefer shoes) when we’re alone together in the city. He says it’s “what he lives for”.
Pinch me, I’m married to the best guy in the world.

In church yesterday there was a musical number about how families are the greatest part of God’s plan, and after our lovely weekend together,
I couldn’t agree more.


Lene said...

You are better than me. I wouldn't have ever let them think I would be staying out all night.

And from now on when I go to Costco I will think of you and feel bad...for just a little while.

Marcie Ashton said...

Aahhh...I too, enjoyed the comforts of Flag this weekend as well. Ryan needed some stuff for the shop, so I tagged along because I NEVER turn down the chance to go to Sam's club. On top of that, we even stopped at Olive Garden for lunch. (I'm sure I'll have to visit again soon...)

4boyzmdmom said...

That is the BEST way to go camping!!! I'll never think the drive to Costco is long again (well, it IS all the way across town!)