Friday, March 12, 2010

Look out for Lead foot Lolita...


I had plans to post last night. To reveal the "big reveal" that I promised earlier this week. I also had plans (sealed with a wink and a smile) to spend time with the hubs last night after I finished my "big reveal" post. But instead I sat down on my bed and promptly fell asleep. No warning. In my clothes. And that's how I stayed. All night. Sleeping. In my clothes (jacket and everything). This picture was taken of me this morning and those who saw me at a candle party last night can verify that those are indeed the clothes that I was wearing. Sad.

I then thought I would get my "big reveal" post written this morning, but oh no, I don't have time because I had to waste a chunk of my morning getting pulled over for going TWO miles over the speed limit (well the cop said two OR three, but whatever). I don't lie. TWO (or three) miles and he pulls me over. And had he given me a ticket for my grandma-esque lead foot I would have come home, gotten on this here blog 'o mine and CURSED the small town life. Cursed and spit and snarled at it (because where else would one get pulled over for a two (or three) mile offense than in a small town? Where?) but since he only gave me a warning I'm back to saying it's aight.

So now I must announce that the big reveal will be revealed next week. Hopefully Monday.
Hope-ful-ly. yeesh.


Amanda said...

I have fallen asleep in my clothes before but woke up about 6 hours later and changed, idk

Jen said...

TWO (or three) over the limit?!! Sooo stupid!!

Jessica B Photography said...

Grumbly Grumbly, Blogger just lost my comment!

Anyways, I was just saying that someone told me once to ask to see the radar because they are supposed to keep your speed locked in. I always felt silly asking, like "Yes, Officer, I know I was speeding, but I just want to make sure you knew I was going 92 in a 75" I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since college though. Not since I got married and had to pay for my own insurance...

Housewife Savant said...

I am sorry I've not come over more often. My loss.
You have great posts and great pix (and a terrific blog design.)

I LOVE your attitude.

I've been shamefully UNfaithful, but I'm drinking this koolaid now, despite the fact that you sleep in your clothes like a frat boy, and you may or may not be an outlaw.=)

Lene said...

Seriously? Two (or three) over the limit?!? That bites.

Claudya Martinez said...

I can't believe you got pulled over for speeding like a grandma. They must not have enough to do over there.