Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I wouldn't have it any other way...


Don't even try to tell me that boys and girls are the same. I won't believe you. Because, although Waylon and Jamie are playing together here, Jamie chose a family of barbies who lived in a cozy cottage, while Waylon's peeps were action figures who lived in some sort of super hero tower something or other (I don't know what to call that thing). It was fun to listen to them play. Jamie's barbies would come to visit their action hero neighbors only to be met, then chased away by a very grumpy Hulk.

And later when Jamie tried to join Waylon in playing with his action figures I heard him tell her in disgust, "Jamie Hulk does not Grrr. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, making him Grrr. That's so dumb."

But soon Jamie had turned the game to where one of the action figures became Hulk's teenaged daughter (who had to dress like a boy because her father was the Hulk). "But Dad I haven't had my super jumping powers very long." She whined. "You have to take it easy on me."

Yep, boys and girls are definitely different.
And I'm so glad they are.

Today on Words for this day:
Okay, I'll try...



Lene said...

The Hulk doesn't Grr. That made me laugh out loud.

Unknown said...

Sometimes. But sometimes there are boys that love the barbies. And sometimes there are girls that love Hulk. And that is ok. We have to love them NO MATTER WHAT because all people are special and wonderful no matter what their preferred toy, right? :)

I love the picture.

Mary RC said...

LOL its so true.. when zac and rae play make believe, rae always ends up imaginatively maimed..

4boyzmdmom said...

I don't have both at my house to compare, but there are definitely times when I say to my boys "I don't get it" and they respond "It's a boy thing, Mom!!" Loved this post...so cute!

Bren's Life said...

You are so funny! And they definately are not the same. Although my Charly doesn't want to play with barbies at all. Won't step foot in her room if they are on the floor!

Stoddard Family said...

I love watching little boys and girls play together. My poor Tim felt left out, so I got him a Ken doll. I thought my husband was going to die!! I believe that was also the year my husband decided Tim was big enough to camp. ( I believe that tower is a Rescue Hero tower, we have one too.)

Unknown said...

Cute picture. and so true. What is that castle thing he is playing with? I need to get one for my boys who are currently destroying their sister's dolls house with their action figures!