Tuesday, September 28, 2010

At least I'm trying...


I've been quite the grown-up lately, keeping on top of things and being neat and tidy. I know, you're impressed. right?

Anyway this past weekend got away from me and so did yesterday for that matter. Hey life gets busy sometimes. And to make matters worse, the holidays are in the air. Holidays make creative (somewhat flighty) people drift off into a la-la magical land of, "I wonder what I can make today or Ooo, lets decorate and forget all else" state of being. Very anti-grownup I'm afraid.

Because of this I decided today was a day to resort back to "timer cleaning" (you know when I set the timer for 5-15 minutes per room (whichever I feel I can commit to) and clean my little heart out).

Problem is when you're a person who needs a timer for cleaning...

You never know where you put the dang thing the last time you used it.

it's sad really.


I wonder what I can make today?


Erika said...

Too Funny! I'm a timer cleaner too, mostly because it helps the little kids help.

Marcie Ashton said...

I need to try the timer cleaning. Maybe I could at least accomplish something. (I am a very distractible cleaner).

Bren's Life said...

You just crack me up & I love ya.. I would never think to use a timer to clean.. Because I would forget which rm I was supposed to be timing myself in...

4boyzmdmom said...

That's a good idea, actually--set a timer to clean! I'll have to try that!

MaryRC said...

hey we all gotta do what we gotta do. stay on track my friend... you do rock you know.

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