Friday, December 5, 2008

Plastic surgery for the winner...

I need plastic surgery. No, it's not what you're thinking although I could really use that too. I am speaking of my terribly stretched out (now what are you thinking?) pierced earlobes. A combination of the ridiculously heavy earrings of my eighties youth and the curious and quick hands of many a foster baby who grabbed hold of those ridiculously heavy earrings of my eighties youth while they were still attached to my poor little ears, has left me with ugly ear holes that are stretched almost clear through. I'm afraid that just one more bump or snag from Waylon and--RIP!--it'll be a flapping double earlobe for me (I apologize to the squeamish folks in the audience). Waylon accidentally snagged my right lobe tonight so you can thank him for this post.
So I'm thinking that I'll tell my Love that I want plastic surgery for Christmas.
Any guesses on what he'll think I'm referring to?
Now onto a totally unrelated subject. I must announce that I can now say that I am a...

That's right I am finally a winner. Today while Christmas shopping for Marlee, artist extraordinaire, I found an awesome art supply store, bought some fabulous items that just happened to be on sale (bonus) and entered a daily raffle drawing. Well much to my surprise the owner called me tonight to tell me that I won. Yippee! So tomorrow I get to go choose a free item from the exciting raffle section of the store and give it to miss Easton, my other artist extraordinaire, for Christmas. A free Christmas present, SCORE!
It's great being a winner. And don't you worry, I promise not to forget those of you who knew me when...


Cedar said...

My mom had that surgery, must've been the big heavy earrings from the 80's for her to. You know the big colored hoops that are now back in style??? I hope Santa brings a surgeon to you. I'd like some help with a few things myself:)

4boyzmdmom said...

I never won anything except when I was nine I won an Atari in one of those Kellogg's "stick up for breakfast" contests. I still remember how surprised I was! I don't think I've won anything since.