On Saturday we celebrated by taking a day trip to Flagstaff where we had an amazing time.
And on this our official day we went to my mother-in-law's for dinner and family night (very nice) and when we got into our car to come home
Our very song, on the radio, the minute we turned on the car. How cool is that.
I guess that proves it,
we were meant to be.
But then we already knew that.
Monday, February 16, 2009
19 years...
Posted by Jeanette at 8:49 PM 7 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A wardrobe malfunction for my ward...
Posted by Jeanette at 7:17 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
True romance...

It is also very romantic to have a husband to take care of me when I'm sick.
Posted by Jeanette at 10:55 AM 13 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I want fabulous...
I've heard it said time and again whether it be spoken by one who is 40, 60, or 80, "I don't feel old. Inside I feel as young as a child." Which might explain why I have chosen to mark my progress into ultimate adulthood with the foil star reward system of childhood.
I am very excited about my ever nearing passage to that oh so grown up number 40. I feel that when I reach it I will have arrived. Where exactly I do not know, but I'm excited just the same. But I don't want to "arrive" simply as a one day older version of my 39 year old self, I want to be fabulous. The most fabulous 40 I can be. This is where my new chart comes in. My fabulous by 40 chart. A countdown to my new age and my new fabulousness.
Posted by Jeanette at 10:25 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
True love...
In honor of Valentine's Day this months Spts will focus on the significant other in our lives...
Tuesday, February 3rd ~ I love it when you...
Tuesday, February 10th ~ I think it would be romantic to...
Tuesday, February 17th ~ The first thing that attracted me to you was...
Tuesday, February 24th ~ I am saying "I love you" when I...
I love it when you...
I couldn't get a picture with my love today, but here I am holding one of his work shirts because he is my favorite sign guy. I love it when he helps me out with his sign making skills. Like when I called him last week and asked him to bring home these "fabulous by 40" letters for my new goal chart (I'll post about that tomorrow).
I also love that he is so supportive of all of my ideas. Such as my new fabulous by 40 goal chart. And that when I tell him things like I want to be fabulous by my fortieth birthday he says, "You are already fabulous. If you get any more fabulous I won't know what to do."
I love it when he flatters me so.
And oh does he flatter me so. I love it when he calls me during the day, when he comes home at night, when he compliments my cooking, my cleaning, my legs, my life. What can I say, this man loves me. And I LOVE the way he loves me.
How did I get so lucky?
Posted by Jeanette at 4:41 PM 7 comments